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Wake of Deception

The Ancient Ones saved humanity from self-destruction, but a young boy learns their true agenda. The Hunger Games meet the Matrix in this YA Sci-fi Dystopia.

Almost a hundred years have passed since the Ancient Ones saved humanity from self-destruction, and life is more peaceful and productive than ever. But for fourteen year old Hanu, life at a mental hospital isn't productive at all - at least not with his treatment. Now he must join a group of patients who were summoned into the District of Operations to meet with the Council.

Tensions are high as they travel to Capital City, as attacks from a mysterious faction called the Dissenters are ever-increasing. But Hanu and his friends soon learn that the Ancient Ones - and the Dissenters - aren't exactly who they appear to be. In the first installment of The Wake Trilogy, a young hero struggles to find his identity in an uncertain world.



"... I would definitely recommend fans of dystopia to give this book a try." 

                                                                                                          - Readers Favorite


"A vivid dystopian tale with a truly apocalyptic twist." 

                                                                          -Kirkus Reviews

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